Production Facilities

Our production facilities provide temperature-controlled space, which can be utilised to provide an additional production line or to extend existing facilities. We understand the pressure businesses are under to improve productivity and having enhanced space with our modules will certainly increase capacity opportunities.

What are the Benefits of Production Facilities?

Increased Efficiency – Having all your requirements in one place means that any products can be produced, frozen if necessary and stored within the same area allowing easy transport accessibility.

Tailored Approach – If you want to start a new product line, our facilities are the quick and reliable answer with our bespoke design tailored to whatever you need.

Controlled and Monitored – In order to create ‘free-from’ products, separation and controlled environments are essential.  By using our solutions the entire area can be controlled and monitored to ensure there is no contamination within the space. This is also relevant to products that need to be produced separately.

Fast Delivery – Designed, delivered, and commissioned within just 8 weeks, dependent on requirements.

Modular and Scalable – Our facilities are modular with no limitations to size. A facility can be extended as your business grows or relocated to another site. The installation of fresh air systems ensures the modules create a safe working environment for employees.

Leading Pharma Company

The pharmaceutical company needed a bespoke cold storage facility to bring a previously outsourced process back to its site

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Distribution Company

Our distribution company customer intended to increase turnover, improve product offering and distribute faster.

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Sandwich Supplier

A sandwich supplier to a major supermarket wanted to increase its output from their existing factory.

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Food Manufacturer

Provide fast cold storage solution for food manufacturer who has won a significant contract

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Dnata Catering

Dnata Catering needed to increase freezing capacity to accommodate its stockholding of airline nominated products

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Talk to us about your project…

To get in touch directly, please use the following details.

Unit JB,
Beech Avenue,
Naas Enterprise Park,
Co. Kildare,
W91 A090

    Leave an enquiry, please use the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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    Unit JB,
    Beech Avenue,
    Naas Enterprise Park,
    Co. Kildare,
    W91 A090