Food Manufacturer

Provide fast cold storage solution for food manufacturer who has won a significant contract

Food Manufacturer


To supply a food manufacturer, who has won a significant new contract for frozen products, with an 11-bay complex, attached to the client’s existing factory – quickly!


Create a five bay, extra high chill complex, fitted with a fresh air system, in which the client installed four blast freezing units, which lead into a corridor onto a packing room and finally a finished goods holding room

On handover, the customer’s project manager was asked: “Why us?”. The reply was, “The only alternative was a permanent build, and we didn’t have 9 months.”

The nature of our business is that we are often supplying sites close to full capacity so the modular build approach, where the individual units are prepared off-site, minimises site disruption. In this instance we were on site for just 11 days, installing and commissioning a solution with 10 of our larger modules.

Initial discussions commenced before the customer had secured the contract and with uncertainty over volumes it was decided to future-proof the project: so, we decided to add a corridor. This was added to provide space for doubling the number of blast chambers as adding to the end of the complex would compromise the process flow. An additional two blast chambers were subsequently requested.

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Unit JB,
Beech Avenue,
Naas Enterprise Park,
Co. Kildare,
W91 A090

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    Unit JB,
    Beech Avenue,
    Naas Enterprise Park,
    Co. Kildare,
    W91 A090