We are ISO Certified!


We are ISO Certified!

Dawsongroup | TCS Ireland understand that continuously reviewing and improving the way we function as a business is critical to our current and future success. Therefore, we have invested a substantial amount of time in reviewing the quality of our operations and implementing a Quality Management System in which all processes and procedures have been carefully designed and tested, according to international standards.

In recognition of our hard work and efforts, we are delighted to announce our operations are in line with International Standards for Quality Management ISO 9001:2015.

The continuous performance monitoring and improvement of our Quality Management Systems provides assurance to our customers and employees that we are deeply passionate about delivering excellent quality services.

Pictured is Susan Conroy, Managing Director and Pamela Behan, Accounts Manager at Dawsongroup | TCS Ireland

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Unit JB,
Beech Avenue,
Naas Enterprise Park,
Co. Kildare,
W91 A090

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    Dawsongroup, logo, TCS Ireland

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    Unit JB,
    Beech Avenue,
    Naas Enterprise Park,
    Co. Kildare,
    W91 A090