Investing in Staff at tcs Ireland

It’s been an exciting time for the team here at Dawsongroup tcs Ireland as our office renovations have recently been completed. This exciting development has created a bright, warm space to boost productivity and collaboration. Continue reading for a peak behind the curtain of the new tcs Ireland office.


Investing in Staff at tcs Ireland

Renovation Focus: Prioritising Staff Wellbeing

There is perhaps nothing more essential for a happy and productive workforce than the right office. The team at Dawsongroup tcs Ireland are committed to prioritising staff wellbeing, making this the focus of their recent renovation. Now it’s ready to see, we wanted to give you a peak behind the curtain of the new tcs Ireland office. 

Prior to the renovation, the space wasn’t being utilised effectively, and included a boardroom which was rarely used to its full potential. Susan Conroy, Managing Director of tcs Ireland, put forward the idea of a renovation. The aim was to create a space that would reduce stress and increase productivity across the team. 

Tailored Office Design: Efficient and Collaborative Space

“Continued investment in our employees is really important,” said Susan. “Staff are our greatest asset, and the office renovation has been an opportunity for us to give back to those who have shown outstanding dedication and loyalty. I hope that the team continues to feel valued and appreciated when they come to work.” 

The updates were completed in July, leaving the team with an efficient office space designed specifically to suit their needs. The bright, warm décor runs throughout the different sections of the office, bringing it all together, and the team agreed the design has been a boost for concentration. Additionally, the open plan layout in one section is an ideal set up for collaboration and cooperation across the team.  

The little-used boardroom has been split into two separate offices, which match the design of the rest of the office. They are the perfect spaces for Pam Behan, Accounts Manager, and Helen Conroy, Executive Assistant, who both need a little extra privacy for their roles.  

“I’m thrilled,” said Helen. “I often say we spend more time at work than at home, so it’s great to have an up-to-date working environment. I personally love it; it really encourages you to be at the top of your game, and it’s very welcoming for any visitors coming into the building.” 

Environmentally Conscious Approach: Sustainability and Pride

The renovation was carefully planned to ensure that it had minimal impact on the environment. This included keeping and reusing as much of the furniture as possible, and any furniture that couldn’t be reused was sold instead of going to landfill. The new office is something for the team to be proud of. 

“It’s a great environment to work in,” said Pam. “The office is so nice and spacious, and it’s much more convenient for doing training with staff than before. It’s great when a company is willing to invest in their employees and give them a good environment to work in – it makes us more productive as we have everything, we need to do our job and do it well. It’s wonderful to feel valued.” 

Experience the New Office: Schedule a Visit 

Contact tcs Ireland to arrange a visit to their new office and find out how our Smarter Asset Strategy can provide solutions for all your cold storage needs. 


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    Unit JB,
    Beech Avenue,
    Naas Enterprise Park,
    Co. Kildare,
    W91 A090